Reforme App Concept

"Reforme", is a holistic health app concept where you can access and learn about different types of healthy activities from one convenient place. I believe that mental and physical health are intertwined and influence a person's overall health. The app theoretically finds gaps in your schedule and encourages realistic activity in different areas: movement, mind, community, food, and relaxation. Within each of these areas, there are a range of options for different activities depending on how you are feeling.
It features a character that represents your progress and activity throughout your use of the app. The character progressively grows a different type of plant that blooms to motivate the growth of different activities throughout the month. Each month you start with a new plant. Reforme is an app for people who want to better their physical and mental health through an intuitive and engaging interface.
Programs used: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop
Created Spring 2020