Affordable Housing Mosaic

For Housing and Homelessness Advocacy Day in 2020, my team from Seattle University’s Project on Family Homelessness used the display as a vehicle for a mosaic of the postcards themselves. I designed 11 different variations of postcards to help construct and illustrate multi-family housing. Each postcard represents a “building block” for affordable housing as they each were a voice from a different advocate. As a whole, they combine as the collective voice for the support of affordable housing. Side by side on the panels, the bright colors of the installation managed to attract advocates at the rally and we were able to obtain more postcards for legislators! After the rally in front of the Legislative Building, the postcards were strategically delivered to different legislators who influence the decision of the budget for statewide affordable housing and funds to support people experiencing homelessness.
Programs used: ProCreate on iPad, Adobe Illustrator